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Student Services / Counseling

School Counseling Program

Focused on providing access to all, Tuttle School Counselors work with students to develop their individual academic, social and emotional needs. School counselors place efforts on helping students gain the skills for lifetime learning, decision-making, career readiness, and life skill development to become responsible members of our community and world. This includes a positive and collaborative approach among fellow teachers and staff, caregivers, and the community. 


Early Childhood Center (PreK-1st)                              Elementary School (1st – 3rd)                     Intermediate School (4th – 5th)        

Jordan Williams                                                   Kristal Williams                                  Kim Williams                               


Middle School                                   Middle School                                          High School (A-L)                                           High School  (M-Z)

Millie Ware                                 Lana Barr                                           Jennifer Tucker                                      Connie Traxler                         



District Mental Health Services

Tuttle Schools Mental Health team works alongside staff across the district to provide much needed support to all students. Focus is placed on access to care, connecting families and students to resources, supporting behavioral and emotional needs, and reducing barriers that impact the student’s academic success. If you have a student you feel is in need of mental health support, begin by contacting your school counselor.


          April Price                                   

       District Social Worker                                                  

         Cynthia Luce

         District Counselor