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2015 Bond Background Information



* Tuttle School District has grown 36% in the past 10 years.

* This is an average growth of 3.6%.

* Growth in the District has been steady at 2% for the past few years.

* Enrollment grew from 1789 students in 2013-2014 to 1825 for 2014-2015.

* Based on an annual average growth of 2% the District’s enrollment could reach 2,225 in 10 years.

* This would be an additional 400 students which is equal to the current enrollment of Tuttle Middle School.

* Though we can’t guarantee an enrollment of 2,225 students in 2025-2026, we can’t guarantee enrollment will not exceed this number either.

* All Campuses in the District are at or very near reaching capacity for enrollment.

* Neighboring Districts are also growing at a very fast pace.

* Mustang Schools grew by a minimum of 600 students from August 2013 to August 2014.

* In the spring of 2014 Tuttle Schools assembled the District Facilities Action Team, a group comprised of staff members, parents, and community members.

* The Team was charged with completing a District wide needs assessment.

* Needs were objectively identified, prioritized, and those needs affecting the greatest number of students and providing the most benefit to the District are being addressed in the March 3, 2015 Bond Election.

* The construction of a new high school will open approximately 700 seats District wide by opening the 500 seats at the current high school and increaseing the capacity of the new high school by nearly 200 seats.

* This will allow the District to restructure grade levels increasing capacity within each grade level at each campus.

* This has worked well in the past meeting the demands of increased enrollment at the elementary school, the intermediate school which is the former middle school and the middle school building constructed in 2004 and added onto in 2009.